Who is The Southwestern PA Hunting Retriever Club?
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SWPAHRC is a both a NAHRA Club (North American Hunting Retriever Association) and a HRC Club (Hunting Retriever Club). We host monthly retriever training days for our members in the western Pennsylvania area. Typical grounds locations are Ford City, Jeannette, Homer City, Indiana, and Apollo, but we are always looking to find more grounds to train on to get our dogs more experience. Our members range from hunters looking to improve their partnerships with their dogs, to handlers who enjoy entering their dogs in hunt tests and field trials. We welcome new members and dogs of every level of training as our training days are all inclusive and setups are tailored to help every handler/dog pair learn and grow. Training days typically will include retrieving or upland work and dogs will have the opportunity to work with real birds. We also may work on specific drills as a group or schedule specific drill training days.
Our club also hosts a HRC Test once a year and a club fundraiser sporting clay shoot. Check out our events section for this year’s tentative schedule.
SWPAHRC was established in 1989 as a nonprofit organization with the following objectives:
- To encourage and promote responsible breeding, care and training of purebred retrievers.
- To protect and advance the interests of retrieving breeds.
- To encourage, promote and advance the proper methods of retriever training.
- To actively support conservation efforts and programs to improve hunting conditions and opportunities.
- To conduct a licensed NAHRA (North American Hunting Retriever Association) hunt test.
- To conduct a HRC (Hunting Retriever Club) hunt test